Brave Seekers Workshops
We all have untapped potential
and unmet desires.
Maybe you're yearning to fulfill your potential but are wracked with self-doubt. Maybe you long to fulfill your desires but fear your own ambition and aggression. But maybe you also recognize this truth: Just "being good" all the time is a trap.
Welcome to the transformative experience of Brave Seeker Workshops, where I guide individuals on a liberating journey to break free from toxic beliefs and unlock their potential.
In these workshops, you will:
Learn about aggression as a healthy life force.
Identify painful history associated with aggression.
Resolve blocks to knowing your own passions.
Learn to have more confidence, pleasure and intimacy.
Discover and overcome beliefs related to misogyny and sexism.
Foster positive change in both personal and relational spheres.
Harness the power of aggression to pursue and achieve creative aspirations, desires, and dreams.
Join me on this empowering adventure towards self-discovery and fulfilling your desires.